Want to know more about My Offers?
My Offers are personalized digital coupons which can help you save money and earn points every week on your grocery bill. Just log in to your More Rewards account through the Save-On-Foods app, load your My Offers every Thursday and shop!
How to load My Offers
- Access your offers through SaveOnFoods.com or through the Save-On-Foods app. Click on My Offers and sign in with your More Rewards account.
- You can click either ‘LOAD ALL OFFERS’ to load all available coupons to your card or just select individual offers by selecting ‘load to card’.
- Make sure you scan your More Rewards card in store or online when you shop and the offers loaded will automatically appear on your bill when you check out.
I don’t have a More Rewards account can I still get My Offers digital coupons?
My Offers digital coupons are only accessible with a More Rewards card. Not a member click here to sign up.
Do I need to create a My Offers account?
No, once you’re a More Rewards member you can access My Offers easily through the More Rewards website or Save-On-Foods website or app. Just click on My Offers to see what coupons are available this week. Do I have to log in to see My Offers With the More Rewards ID, you only have to log in once to EITHER your More Rewards account or your Save-On-Foods account to see your offers.
When are new My Offers available each week?
New offers are update weekly every Thursday morning.
Are offers loaded automatically to my card when I log in?
No, you need to log into your My Offers account- go to offer and click “load to card”, or click ‘load all’ to load all available offers under the My Offers tab. To load Sponsored offers, you must individually load all the offers you are interested in.
How do I know if an offer has been loaded to my card?
Loaded offers will appear in the ‘Loaded Offers’ tab. Any offers that have not been loaded and are still available will appear in the ‘Available Offers’ or ‘Sponsored Offers’ tabs.
Do I have to wait before I can use the offers loaded to my More Rewards card?
No, you can use them as soon as they’ve been loaded.
Why is the offer I loaded no longer visible?
Once an offer is redeemed it will no longer be available to load.
I accidentally loaded a digital offer, how do I remove it from my More Rewards card?
You don’t need to redeem every offer you load to your card but if you would like to remove an active offer from your card, just click on the ‘Loaded Offers’ tab and select ‘remove from card’ to remove an offer.
How do I know when the offer expires?
The offer expiration date is displayed at the bottom of each offer along with any other relevant terms and conditions.
Can I use other coupons at the same time as My Offers?
Yes, you can use other manufacturer coupons, gift cards and offers at the same time as My Offers, unless otherwise indicated.
What is My Mega Deal (formerly V.I.P Coupon)?
My Mega Deal (formerly V.I.P Coupon) is our best points offer. Just spend a minimum of the indicated amount to get your bonus points.
I don’t have a smart phone or a computer, how do I access My Offers?
My Offers is a digital coupon program and to protect your personal information and make sure you’re selecting and receiving the right offers; we need all customers to have a More Rewards card and have access to the program via a digital device.If you’re still having trouble loading your offers, our Customer Service team can assist you in loading digital offers to your More Rewards card.
Why are my offers different to the offers my friends or family members get?
My Offers are personalized based on your previous shopping habits to make them more relevant for each customer.
Still need help with My Offers Contact our Customer Service Team at 1-800-242-9229 Monday-Thursday 6am to 8pm, Friday to Sunday 6am to 6pm PST.