Partanna - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Litre
With Partanna Robust EVOO, youll experience a buttery flavor and a light, peppery finish that enhances every meal. This exceptional flavor comes from 100% Castelvetrano olives and over 100 years of olive oil craftsmanship by our family in Trapani, Sicily. We hand-pick the olives each fall at the peak of ripeness, cold-press them within four hours, filter, and bottle them in colored glass or tins to preserve the freshness and flavor.Product Number: 00656285170374
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With Partanna Robust EVOO, youll experience a buttery flavor and a light, peppery finish that enhances every meal. This exceptional flavor comes from 100% Castelvetrano olives and over 100 years of olive oil craftsmanship by our family in Trapani, Sicily. We hand-pick the olives each fall at the peak of ripeness, cold-press them within four hours, filter, and bottle them in colored glass or tins to preserve the freshness and flavor.Product Number: 00656285170374
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